Notice of Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau on Further Improving
the Management of Tendering and Bidding for Ordinary
Road Surface Renovation (Improvement) Projects
Sui Jiao Yun Han[2020] No. 184
To the Guangzhou Municipal Road Maintenance Center, Guangzhou Public Resources Trading Center, and the transportation bureaus of Huangpu District, Huadu District, Panyu District, Nansha District, Conghua District and Zengcheng District:
In order to further optimize the business environment for ordinary road construction markets, and based on the principles of “streamlining processes, shortening timelines and lowering costs”, the following requirements pertaining to the tendering and bidding for ordinary road surface renovation (improvement) projects and relevant project management work are hereby notified:
1. Use of electronic invoices in all respects. When contractors submit online applications for payment, only electronic copies of documents such as official invoices and tax payment certificates are required. Hardcopy official invoices and signatures are no longer required.
2.1. Optimization of the bid awarding process. Contract awarders, tendering agencies and the Guangzhou Public Resources Trading Center shall be responsible for publicly announcing successful bidding candidates on the day after bid evaluation is completed and serving the notice of award (electronic) on the day following the public announcement.
2.2. Abolishment of bid security and further strengthening the management of industry players by means of credit ratings.
2.3. Optimization of the project commencement process: once contractors apply for commencement, contract awarders shall grant approval and issue notices of commencement within 2 days of receiving the application.
2.4. Optimization of the project acceptance process: according to the Guangzhou ImplementationRules for the Phase I Acceptance of Road Maintenance Projects, once contractors apply for acceptance of the projects they have awarded, contract awarders shall conclude the Phase I acceptance meeting within 2 days of receiving such applications, and issue a certificate of acceptance within 1 day of project acceptance.
3. Optimizing the filing process. Contract awarders shall file a report on the tendering situation with competent authorities within 15 days of the issuance of the notice of award.
4. The foregoing requirements apply to ordinary road surface renovation (improvement) or other road maintenance projects worth more than CNY 30 million. Any issues encountered during the course of implementation should be timely reported to the Municipal Transportation Bureau (Construction Management Department).
These matters are hereby notified.
Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau
August 17, 2020